
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tropical Acai Berry Smoothie with Sambazon

It's always Smoothie time in my house!

The wonderful people at Sambazon sent me their great Acai Puree Smoothie Packs for product testing. 

If you're wondering exactly what is a Acai Berry? 

The inch-long reddish, purple Acai berry comes from the Acai palm tree, which is native to Central and South America and packed full of antioxidants that are good for you!

I created a Tropical Acai Berry Smoothie by adding Mango and Coconut flavors to my Acai Smoothie packs.

The results, it's a tropical party in your mouth!

I love the hint of chocolate and almonds with mango and coconut, and the Acai Berry just brings everything together.

This smoothie is energy in a glass!

I know I stated it was two servings, but I highly suggest you double the recipe, because I drunk both servings all by myself.

Tropical Acai Berry Smoothie with Sambazon
Prep Time: 1 minutes
Servings: 2


2 packs Sambazon Smoothie packets
8 ounces Sambazon Chocolate Almond Coconut Milk Protein
1 cup Mango Good Belly
1 cup frozen mango
1 frozen banana
 mint to garnish


Add all ingredients to the blender, minus the mint, blend well and garnish with mint.



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