
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 9: 21 Day Detox with Apple Cucumber Juice

It's Day 9 people and I think it's time for me to increase my juice and smoothies.

I've been really hungry and that's because I am not taking in enough food. I am also going to add a cooked veggie plus my salad for lunch and dinner.

You must adjust the detox to fit your needs and lifestyle. I want to be able to walk on my treadmill so I must have fuel/food to accomplish this...

The detox is helping me lose weight, which is part of the reason I started this. So far I am down 5 pounds and have 35 more to go.

I am taking baby steps...after the detox the goal is to try to eat more green foods and less cheese and meat.

Meat is really no problem for me, as I mentioned previously, I went years without eating meat. Cheese, umm...that's a whole other story!

I love all kinds of cheese, name it, and I am eating it...I will reduce my consumption but I am not ever going to stop eating cheese.

I consider myself a big supporter of dairy farmers and I can't turn my back on them now!

Enough about cheese, for now...this Apple Cucumber Juice is a thirst quencher.

If you prefer a less tart drink, use a red apple instead of a granny smith.

Day 9: 21 Day Detox with Apple Cucumber Juice

Servings: 1


1 cucumber, peeled if non organic
1 apple, seeded, peeled if non organic
1/4 cup parsley


Juice or blend all ingredients together, add 1/2 cup of water if blending.



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