
Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 3: 21 Day Detox Tropical Delight Green Smoothie

It's Day 3 of the 21 Day Detox, and just think...they thought we wouldn't make it pass Day 1!

Today, I think I just found my new favorite smoothie....the Topical Delight Green Smoothie is full of pineapple, banana, mango, and romaine lettuce for the green...

It taste just like a tropical milkshake...just kidding...I told you we speak the truth on this taste thick, creamy and tropical, but it doesn't taste like a milkshake...can't be a milkshake without milk...let's just call it a shake.

But I do have an idea, replace the water with almond milk and now it's on its way to milk shakedom (yes...I make up words)! 


I decided that if I am going to get my family on board...I would have to lose a little bit of the green and include more flavors they enjoy which is why I created this new smoothie that my teen daughter by the way, actually liked!

I put everything into my Vitamix and blended it on level 1-3 for less than a minute!

Things are looking up! Next time I might replace the romaine with spinach and see how it goes.

Day 4, we see you soon...!

Day 3: 21 Day Detox Tropical Delight Green Smoothie

Servings: 7 cups green smoothie


1 head organic romaine lettuce, chopped
1 1/2 cup pineapple chunks
1 cup Good Belly mango
1 cup water
1 frozen banana


Add liquids to blender, top with veggies and fruits, blend for about 1-2 minutes. Enjoy!



  1. I made your Topical Delight but I didn't have the right items. So I had pineapple,banana use 3 medium strawberries, spinach and almond milk and 4 ice cubes(filtered water system attached to ice maker)
    I sure hope doing didn't confused the end results we were looking for for detox

    1. Patti what you created sounds really good. The only thing is make sure you're using great almond milk, without a lot of added sugar. I always use the Silk brand of almond milk.

  2. Try adding a pear,apple and 1/2 lemon
