
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

DAY 1: 21 Day Detox Strawberry Banana Blueberry Smoothie

Woohoo!!!! I am really excited about the 21 Day Detox. I am glad the holiday's are over!

Yes, I am guilty of overeating during the holiday's and this detox is just what I need to get my mind, body, and soul right!

It's only the first day people, so get ready to share in the ups, downs, and ups of detoxing! It's not easy, but it's doable...

I've done this detox many times and I would say after the first few days, it's smooth sailing.

Now, I know I listed a 21 Day Detox plan, but remember you don't have to follow my plain exactly, juice what you like.

No juicer, no problem, make a smoothie or blended drink.

No blender, then go to your favorite juice bar and have them make you up a fresh drink daily.

Remember, easy on the fruit, try to make the drink green as you can take it!

Today's Strawberry Banana Blueberry Smoothie was made with my husband in mind.

He wanted a smoothie and he begged me not to put spinach in it so I decided to listen to him for once, and made it his way.

Which taste great, but I think a few handfuls of spinach would make it even better!

Don't forget to share your experiences with me, using the comment section below.

Also, I went to my local deli counter and purchased these cups for pennies to take my smoothie on the go!

Strawberry Banana Blueberry Smoothie

Servings: 1


1 8oz. bottle, Ensure® Nutrition Shake, strawberry
1 cup fresh strawberries
1 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 frozen banana
2 squirts Hemp Oil
1 cup spinach (optional)


Add everything to your blender and blend until smooth.


Disclaimer: This advice is not to be substituted or intended for professional medical advice and all individuals should consult with a physician prior to trying this fast.

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